Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Wiki

Assault Vanish is a Super Attack used by SSGSS Gogeta and can be used by all CaCs.

In-Game Data[]

  • Full In-Game Description: "Consume 100 Ki and Stamina to warp instantly behind your opponent! Hold the button to stay invisible longer and reappear right where you are! This move can be even used during a Boost Dash."

The Super Attack can be obtained from Parallel Quest 131 - "Fight of the Fusions! Vegito vs Gogeta"


Once using the skill, user completely dissapears, rendering them invincible and enabling them to either teleport behind an enemy or stay invincible and reappear on the same spot they originally were.

Usage Tips[]

This skill is very usefull to avoid enemy attacks, and pairs well with either Super Souls that regenerate Stamina, or Kaioken. It is recommended to use this skill with Boost Dashes or against enemy Ultimate Attacks that take 1-2 seconds to charge. This move is a set up tool for punishers against moves with prep time, and allows user to quickly execute their own Super or even some Ultimate Attacks.


  • trivia goes here

See Also[]
