Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Wiki
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Wiki

"Press the button again while the Ki wave is connecting to do additional damage. You'll need Ki for the extra attack." ― In-Game Description

Burst Kamehameha is a Ki Blast Super Attack used by SSGSS Goku.


Burst Kamehameha is a multi hitting beam. Upon pressing it again while the initial blast is midway through or nearly ending, user consumed another bar of stamina to prolong the blast and deal more damage, with the blast near the user appearing noticeably bigger.

Usage and Tips[]

This skill is one of the fastest acting Kamehameha waves, its initial attack is fast enough to combo out of even light attack stun, though it is still better to use out of a knockback to confirm a vanish so as to not get punished for it. The damage dealt with additional input is the main draw of the skill, as you can safely confirm it and so it's not very worth to use without Ki spare. Mind to not use additional input too early to get as much damage as possible from the initial blast.

