"Strike a pose, and you'll temporarily stop leaning back!"
Fighting Pose K is a Power Up Super Attack used by Recoome.
User performs Recoome's signature pose while saying "Ginyu force: Recoome!". At the end of the animation the buff is activated, granting user Super Armor for 8 seconds. Like most other buffs, the duration can be reset by using this or another power up skill while the current one is still active.
Usage Tips[]
Although Super Armor is an incredibly strong effect, 8 seconds is a very short period of time. Additionally, you need to grab your opponent or cause a sufficient knockback in order to use this skill without being able to get punished, which could have been used to deal damage instead. In order to make the 8 seconds count, you need to be aggressive, but you need to beware of attacking in a predictable pattern, if your opponent manages to dodge you and then grab you, your whole setup has practically been wasted. The more effective version, although harder to perform against competent players is to extend the duration of your buff with a longer lasting one, like Do or Die, or Meditation. The opponents will have a much harder time avoiding you for longer periods of time, and they wont be able to deal higher amounts of damage to you for longer. The only way to perform this setup safely in PVP however is to knock your opponent away as soon as possible after using Pose K, the window of time is very short because you also need a moment to activate the second buff.