Parallel Quests, called PQs for short, are the main side content of Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2. As their name implies, they are meant to be done in breaks of the main content, but also involve parallel timelines as opposed to the main one, thus they can involve different kinds of what if situations, particularly fighting alongside villains against heroes unlike what usually happens in the main story. They are also a large source of many equipment items and skills, as well as unlocking most of the roster and its extra presets.
There are 100 PQs in the base game, up from 55 in the base game of Xenoverse 1, and 62 PQs added by all DLCs, doubling that number from Xenoverse 1. A large amount of PQs from Xenoverse 1 were copied into Xenoverse 2, though some have received changes courtesy to new content available or new mechanics. The PQs are divided by difficulty levels, ranging from 1 star to 7.
Parallel Quests generally have a more free nature to regular story mode, as you can play them as any unlocked character and also choosing up to two allies. The cutscenes are minimal, only involving entrance of new characters or them leaving, gates to new areas opening, some characters transforming or getting back up after getting KO'd. If you or your chosen allies are KO'd, instead of immediately failing the mission as is the case in all story missions, you can revive the characters by flying over to their body and locking onto it. By staying close to them you fill their revive gauge, and upon filling it, they will get up into a heavy breathing animation, before regaining control. Upon being revived the character receives about 6000 Health and has full stamina, but without any Ki, and any transformation that was disabled after getting KO'd will still be disabled.
PQs are unlocked by progressing through story mode, answering prompts of NPCs in Conton City with blue mark above them, or completing other PQs. This, however, only applies to PQs 1-100, PQs 101 and above are DLC exclusives, so unlocking them requires purchasing the appropriate DLC pack.
Tasks and Completion[]
In each parallel quest you are given a certain task to do, although most simply involve beating all enemies that appear. In some variations you may need to protect an ally NPC, and some PQs also involve collecting Dragon Balls. Regardless of the location, the dragon balls always appear to be Namekian ones, and you can only carry one or two at the time, to deposit them to the time machine.
All PQs have three completion conditions in the following scheme:
- Regular Finish Condition: condition required to finish the basic task, if you only fulfill this condition and none of the others, upon completing it the Parallel Quest will finish. Initially this is the only condition that can be seen, with the others only appearing once they are successfully fulfilled.
- Ultimate Finish Activation: condition required to be done before the first one, or alongside it, or sometimes instead of it, in order to enter the last part of the PQ, ultimate finish.
- Ultimate Finish Completion: condition required for the ultimate finish once it has been activated.
All PQs also can have a number of failing conditions, but one that is common to all of them, and in some cases the only one is all allies getting KO'd and running out of time. The allies counted for this condition are the player and the two chosen people they can bring, friendly NPCs do not count for this and even if they remain alive, they are incapable of reviving the player or his allies. For the time limit, unlike story missions, all Parallel Quests have a time limit, in most cases being 15 minutes, but there are variations. For example PQs involving exploding Namek will typically have a time limit of 5 minutes in reference to the supposed time it took to blow up after Frieza's blast into it, while some PQs involving hordes of weak enemies will have short time limits, but grant players extra time for defeating each enemy.
In order to get an ultimate finish, player has to fulfill the second condition, upon doing so, or doing first condition after fulfilling the second one, they will see a specific screen for completing it, but the mission will not finish yet. Failing at this point will still be considered as successful regular finish, and thus not net the losing red screen, but the rewards and score will be lower. Once the third condition has been fulfilled, the player will be presented with blue text "Ultimate Finish".
Upon completing a PQ, either successfully or failing, player will receive certain rewards. These rewards are all described on the second page of a PQ's description and typically involve:
- Some amount of Zeni, increasing for higher numbered PQs (all)
- A health or craft item (all)
- Clothing
- Super Soul
- Skill
The latter three can be in any combination depending on the quest, some may only have Super Soul drops, while some can have several skills. The latter rewards can be acquired in one of the two ways:
- Randomly being dropped upon defeating a specific opponent - some rewards are tied to specific opponents that player has to finish off for a chance to get them, if an item or a skill is gotten this way the player will receive a notification *skill acquired* or *equipment acquired* in the bottom middle of the screen
- Randomly on Ultimate Finish - some rewards just require players to get the ultimate finish, and the game decides at random whether to grant player said reward or not.
If done in multiplayer and one player gets a skill, all other players will get the skill as well unless they already obtained it.
Patrollers in training[]
In some PQs in certain areas you can find patrollers in groups of 3. They can be optionally challenged, and upon being defeated drop different items. If they were finished off by a player, they will drop two items, including crafting (material) items, hercule medals, clothing pieces of The Latest Fashion, and the second drop has a chance of being a dragon ball, signified by a notification "Key Item Acquired", so as to not be confused with "Dragon Ball Delivered" from the Dragon Ball Collection missions. These patrollers are chosen randomly, and with exception of the tutorial PQ will be the actual level of the character from the player, which can make challenging them early on risky.
List of Base Game PQs[]
note: the zeni and capsule rewards have been omitted. And all conditions in bold are hidden conditions.
Num | Diff | Name | Conditions | Rewards |
1-Star[] | ||||
1 | 1 |
Being a Time Patroller[] |
2 | 1 |
A Deal?! The Saiyan Brothers[] |
3 | 1 |
World Tournament Tag Team[] |
4 | 1 |
Prepare for the Attack of Saiyans![] |
5 | 1 |
Saiyan Blood[] |
6 | 1 |
Saibamen's Revenge[] |
2-Star[] | ||||
7 | 2 |
Attack of the Saiyans[] |
8 | 2 |
Invade Earth[] |
9 | 2 |
The Saiyan King is...Who?[] |
10 | 2 |
Saiyan Survivors[] |
11 | 2 |
Burst Open and Mix![] |
12 | 2 |
Simian Battlefront[] |
13 | 2 |
Namekian Dragon Balls[] |
14 | 2 |
Saiyan Pride[] |
15 | 2 |
Gotta Find That Dragon Ball![] |
16 | 2 |
Defeat Frieza's Army![] |
3-Star[] | ||||
17 | 3 |
Ginyu and the Fruit[] |
18 | 3 |
Force Entrance Exam[] |
19 | 3 |
Fierce Battle! Ginyu Force[] |
20 | 3 |
Frieza! Show Yourself![] |
21 | 3 |
Tri-Race Coop[] |
22 | 3 |
Dragon Ball Brawl[] |
23 | 3 |
The Explosion of Namek[] |
24 | 3 |
Super Saiyan Legend[] |
25 | 3 |
The Emperor's Brother[] |
26 | 3 |
Clash of Kin![] |
27 | 3 |
Metal Cooler Riot[] |
28 | 3 |
Legendary Super Saiyan[] |
4-Star[] | ||||
29 | 4 |
The Androids Attack[] |
30 | 4 |
Challenger Hercule[] |
31 | 4 |
Let's Train[] |
32 | 4 |
Multiple Cell Jr. Hunt[] |
33 | 4 |
Earth in Danger![] |
34 | 4 |
Return of the Ginyu Force[] |
35 | 4 |
Miscalculations in Time[] |
36 | 4 |
The Cell Games Begin[] |
37 | 4 |
Clash! Perfect Cell![] |
38 | 4 |
Power Teams[] |
39 | 4 |
17 and 18 of the Official History[] |
5-Star[] | ||||
40 | 5 |
The Future Warriors![] |
41 | 5 |
Warriors' Annihilation - Future Chapters[] |
42 | 5 |
Artificial Warriors[] |
43 | 5 |
Change the Future[] |
44 | 5 |
Dragon Balls of the Future[] |
45 | 5 |
Take Back the Dragon Balls![] |
46 | 5 |
16 of the Official History[] |
47 | 5 |
Daddy! Don't Die![] |
48 | 5 |
2nd World Tournament Tag Team[] |
49 | 5 |
Namek Berserker[] |
50 | 5 |
Majin Chaos[] |
51 | 5 |
Great Saiyaman is Here[] |
52 | 5 |
Super Saiyan Bargain Sale[] |
6-Star[] | ||||
53 | 6 |
The Fist of Justice![] |
54 | 6 |
Majin Revival[] |
55 | 6 |
Tag with Gotenks[] |
56 | 6 |
Hercule is Number One[] |
57 | 6 |
Hell is a Picture?[] |
58 | 6 |
Majin Banquet[] |
59 | 6 |
Potara Warrior[] |
60 | 6 |
Blast the Super Spirit Bomb![] |
61 | 6 |
The Cell Games Continued[] |
62 | 6 |
Frieza's Nightmare Returns![] |
63 | 6 |
Appetite for Destruction![] |
64 | 6 |
Beerus the Impulsive[] |
65 | 6 |
The New Warriors[] |
66 | 6 |
Stop Beerus' Destruction[] |
67 | 6 |
Power of a Super Saiyan God[] |
68 | 6 |
Old Rivals and Dragon Balls[] |
69 | 6 |
God of Destruction and His Master[] |
7-Star[] | ||||
70 | 7 |
Things Are Getting Serious![] |
71 | 7 |
Abominable Saiyans[] |
72 | 7 |
First Training[] |
73 | 7 |
Frieza's Siege Against Earth[] |
74 | 7 |
Galactic Patrol, Away![] |
75 | 7 |
Room to Spare[] |
76 | 7 |
Eternal Rival[] |
77 | 7 |
Parent and Child[] |
78 | 7 |
Heated, Furious, Ultimate Battle[] |
79 | 7 |
Great Ape Festival[] |
80 | 7 |
The Return of the Giant Ape-Fest![] |
81 | 7 |
Wake Up![] |
82 | 7 |
Ultimate Brotherly Battle[] |
83 | 7 |
Dangerous Duo! Warriors Never Rest[] |
84 | 7 |
Saiyan Warriors[] |
85 | 7 |
Power Berserkers[] |
86 | 7 |
Yamcha is Number One[] |
87 | 7 |
Saiyan Battle[] |
88 | 7 |
Evil Seeks Dragon Balls Yet Again![] |
89 | 7 |
Super-Super Ultimate Series of Battles![] |
90 | 7 |
Gathering of the Great Evil Alliance[] |
91 | 7 |
Saiyan Revolt[] |
92 | 7 |
Revenge of the Tuffle[] |
93 | 7 |
Small But Strong![] |
94 | 7 |
Ultimate Power, Ultimate Saiyan[] |
95 | 7 |
Super 17, the Ultimate Android[] |
96 | 7 |
The Shadow Dragons[] |
97 | 7 |
Insidious Plot[] |
98 | 7 |
Villains Regroup![] |
99 | 7 |
Frieza Race Revivified[] |
100 | 7 |
The Ultimate Rivalry[] |
List of DLC PQs[]
Num | Diff | Name | Conditions | Rewards |
DLC 1 - Super Pack 1[] | ||||
101 | 5 |
Seeking Fighters for Tournament![] |
102 | 6 |
Universe 6 in a Fix![] |
103 | 7 |
Warriors of Universes 6 & 7![] |
DLC 2 - Super Pack 2[] | ||||
104 | 5 |
Vados the Talent Scout[] |
105 | 6 |
Champa's Hellish Holiday[] |
106 | 7 |
A Destructive Showdown[] |
DLC 3 - Super Pack 3[] | ||||
107 | 5 |
The Future's Greatest Hope![] |
108 | 6 |
Doppelganger Dispute![] |
109 | 7 |
A Fateful Fight with a Deity![] |
DLC 4 - Super Pack 4[] | ||||
110 | 7 |
Heretics from a Dark World[] |
111 | 7 |
The Zero Mortal Plan[] |
112 | 7 |
Advent of the Mighty God Zamasu![] |
DLC 5 - Extra Pack 1[] | ||||
113 | 7 |
Birth of the Ultimate Majin![] |
114 | 7 |
The Majin Revival Plan[] |
115 | 7 |
Extreme Battle with Android 13![] |
116 | 7 |
A Hero's Duty[] |
117 | 7 |
A Dance of Swords[] |
DLC 6 - Extra Pack 2[] | ||||
118 | Beerus's Tournament Troubles |
| |
119 | 7 |
A Ranger's Duty[] |
120 | 7 |
Whis's Special Training[] |
121 | 7 |
Off-The-Charts Energy[] |
122 | 7 |
The Final Battle Before the Final Battle?![] |
DLC 7 - Extra Pack 3[] | ||||
123 | 7 |
Planetary Possession[] |
124 | 7 |
Downfall of the Ultimate Saiyan[] |
125 | 7 |
Proof's in the Potara[] |
126 | 7 |
Catch Kefla If You Can![] |
127 | 7 |
Multiverse Match of the Century[] |
DLC 8 - Extra Pack 4[] | ||||
128 | 7 |
Legendary Super Saiyan Smackdown[] |
129 | 7 |
Frieza Force on the Hunt[] |
130 | 7 |
Legendary Starving Saiyan Broly[] |
131 | 7 |
Fight of the Fusions! Vegito vs Gogeta[] |
132 | 7 |
The Ultimate Legendary Super Saiyan[] |
DLC 9 - Ultra Pack 1[] | ||||
133 | 7 |
Ribrianne's Beauty Lesson[] |
134 | 7 |
Universe 7's Next God of Destruction[] |
135 | 7 |
Ribrianne, Defender of Love and Justice[] |
136 | 7 |
Breaking Down the Barrier[] |
137 | 7 |
Tournament of Power Round 2[] |
DLC 10 - Ultra Pack 2[] | ||||
138 | 7 |
The Battle for Earth[] |
139 | 7 |
War and Pieces[] |
140 | 7 |
Spirit Bomb Away![] |
141 | 7 |
Uub's Ultimate Challenge[] |
142 | 7 |
Timespace Tussle[] |
DLC 12 - Legendary Pack 1[] | ||||
143 | 7 |
Other World Offensive[] |
144 | 7 |
Super 17's Super Plan[] |
145 | 7 |
Other World Challenger[] |
146 | 7 |
Zen-Ohs' Earthly Excursion[] |
DLC 13 - Legendary Pack 2[] | ||||
147 | 7 |
Caulifla's Saiyan Search[] |
148 | 7 |
Finding Out About Fusion[] |
149 | 7 |
Clash of the Clones[] |
150 | 7 |
Battle of the Mind[] |
DLC 14 - Conton City Vote Pack[] | ||||
151 | 7 |
Even Further Beyond[] |
152 | 7 |
Dyspo's Wanted Man[] |
153 | 7 |
Seeing Double[] |
154 | 7 |
Dabura the Loyal? Servant[] |
DLC 15 - Hero of Justice Pack 1[] | ||||
155 | 7 |
I Need a Hero... Pose![] |
156 | 7 |
Hunting Down Dr. Hedo[] |
157 | 7 |
Whis's Training: Gohan's Awakening[] |
158 | 7 |
Beat Bulma's Minions![] |
DLC 16 - Hero of Justice Pack 2[] | ||||
159 | 7 |
Lights! Camera! Super Heroes![] |
160 | 7 |
Pan in Peril[] |
161 | 7 |
Scream Team vs. Dream Team[] |
162 | 7 |
The Man, the Myth, the Yamcha[] |
DLC 17 - Future Saga (Chapter 1)[] | ||||
163 | 7 |
Broly the Invader[] |
164 | 7 |
Where is Goku?![] |
165 | 7 |
Anniversary Antics[] |
| |
166 | 7 |
Escape from West City[] |
| |
167 | 7 |
Fighting for Family[] |
| |
168 | 7 |
Videl: Super Mom[] |
| |
169 | 7 |
Reclaiming a Holy Vessel[] |
| |
170 | 7 |
Love: A Field Study[] |
171 | 7 |
Fighters with Finesse[] |
| |
172 | 7 |
Little Big Brother[] |
173 | 7 |
Decoding Dinner[] |
| |
174 | 7 |
Hyper Special Training[] |
| |
DLC 17 - Future Saga (Chapter 2)[] | ||||
175 | 7 |
Who's the Next Leader!?[] |
| |
176 | 7 |
Havoc at the 3-Universe Feast[] |
| |
177 | 7 |
Warped Sense of Justice[] |
| |
178 | 7 |
The Tireless Pursuit of Strength[] |