"Unleash your latent abilities for a massive power-up! This mode can charge Ki quicker than other modes." ― In-Game Description
Potential Unleashed, also known as Ultimate is an Awoken Skill used by Gohan (Adult), Gohan (DBS Super Hero) and all CaCs.
In Game Data[]
- Description: "Unleash your latent abilities for a massive power-up! This mode can charge Ki quicker than other modes."
- Ki Used: 500
- Obtained From: The final Patroller Academy advancement test, which is unlocked by Z-Ranking all previous advancement tests.
For CaCs the Awoken Skill simply grants its user a white/transparent aura, particularly visible when Boost Dashing.
For Casts, Gohan (Adult) and Gohan (DBS Super Hero) get sharper features, similar to Super Saiyan, as well as having their default idle pose replaced. Gohan (DBSSH) transforms differently in that he takes off his glasses first, tossing them aside before bursting open his aura, his hair spiking up as well.
Usage Tips[]
As Potential Unleashed lacks any downside, it is an all-around beneficial Awoken Skill for all builds, making it optimal to activate it at the earliest opportunity. Although the transformation is rather fast, it is still possible to break its activation's Stamina Armor, making it advisable to not do it in a telegraphed manner against a human player.
Due to Gohan (DBSSH)'s slightly longer transformation time, he is at a greater risk of being stamina broken compared to that of his base game adult counterpart.
Cast Availability[]
- Gohan (Adult) - Turtle Hermit Gi (Preset 1), Customize Partner
- Gohan (DBS Super Hero) - Demon Clothes
Synergistic Super Souls[]
- "You can't win..." - When using Potential Unleashed temporarily boosts all attacks. Obtained from Parallel Quest 107.
- Despite the in-game description stating "this mode can charge Ki quicker than other modes", Potential Unleashed does not currently affect Ki Restoration in any way, nor does it activate any form of Ki Auto-Recovery.
- Gohan (DBS Super Hero)’s variation of this form has a unique lightning effect after transforming that persists for a few seconds before dissipating this is a reference to when Gohan transforms into Potential Unleashed/Ultimate in the movie.
- This form has been referenced as Ultimate Gohan for decades by fans and media until being officially named “Ultimate” in Chapter 102 of the Dragon Ball Super manga.
- This is also ironic as it is now Gohan’s penultimate form rather than his ultimate form, the latter being Beast as of Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero.