Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Wiki

"Countless Saibamen are appearing from nowhere and causing havoc! Defend Earth from the Saibamen!"

Saibamen's Revenge is Parallel Quest 6 in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 and has a 1★ difficulty.


  • Wasteland
  • Mountains
  • Pod Landing


The quest begins in the Mountains. In this zone their are Kaiwaremen which spawn near two portals. Upon defeating the Kaiwaremen, the portal they appear next to will be unlocked. One portal leads to the Wasteland and the other leads to the Pod Landing.

Upon entering the Wasteland, you are faced with three Kyukonmen. Upon defeating them, three Saibamen appear for you to defeat.

Then you can return to the Mountains and travel to the Pod Landing. Upon entering the Pod Landing, you are faced with three Copymen. Upon defeating them, three Tennenmen appear for you to defeat.

After defeating the Tennenmen return to the Mountains where three Jinkoumen will appear, defeat them to clear the quest.

If all 17 Saibamen have been defeated in under five minutes, Nappa will appear with two more Saibamen. Defeat them all to get the Ultimate Finish.




Enemy Name Skills Available Level


  • Saibabeam
Saibaman 5
Copyman 5
Tennenman 6
Jinkouman 6
Nappa 8