Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Wiki
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Wiki

"A move that uses Instant Transmission. If you get attacked before you have a chance to move, you will slip behind your opponent and retaliate with a Ki Wave!" ― In-Game Description

Sudden Death Beam is a Ki Blast Super Attack used by Rosé Goku Black and is available for CaCs.


User poses similarly to when they're using Instant Transmission, with two fingers on their forehead. If they are attacked with a basic, Strike, or Ki Blast attack, they will teleport behind their opponent and shoot a red blast at them. If they are not attacked, Ki will still be consumed and they will teleport without attacking. Unlike regular Instant Transmission skill, this teleport will consume Ki, and cannot be cancelled into another Super, making the user relatively easy to punish. Since it is a Ki Blast skill that counters all attacks, it can be treated as a Ki Blast equivalent of Pressure Sign.

Usage Tips[]

With good timing, it can be used against basic attacks to punish reckless approaches, or it can be used against more distant Ki Blasts to discourage opponent from spamming them. Beware of becoming too predictable with it, as the teleport may screw you over by bringing you helplessly right to your opponent.
